Deaf Darts New South Wales  


Friday 13th December 2019
Create new homepage of NSW Deaf Darts Association
Add 1 animated GIF
Add new HTML file for photos
Add photo of 2014 NSW team
Add new HTML file for 'Update'
Add new HTML file for 'Events'
Add new HTML file for 'Championships'
Add new HTML file for 'News'
Add new HTML file for 'Funny'
Add new HTML file for 'Links'
Saturday 14th December 2019
Update of HTML file of 'Championships' with Add 2 animate GIF between 'New South Wales Deaf Darts Association'
Update of HTML file of 'Events' with
Add 2 animate GIF between 'New South Wales Deaf Darts Association'
Update of HTML file of 'Funny' with
Add 2 animate GIF between 'New South Wales Deaf Darts Association'
Update of HTML file of 'Links' with
Add 2 animate GIF between 'New South Wales Deaf Darts Association'
Update of HTML file of 'News' with
Add 2 animate GIF between 'New South Wales Deaf Darts Association'
Update of HTML file of 'Update' - Add table (2 X 2) with date & reason /

Add 2 animate GIF between 'New South Wales Deaf Darts Association'
Add new HTML file for 'About me' with
Add 2 animate GIF between 'New South Wales Deaf Darts Association'
Add 4 funny GIF to 'Funny'
Rename from "Funny" to "Funny / Animate GIF"
Add new HTML file for "Contact" with Add 2 animate GIF between 'New South Wales Deaf Darts Association
Add my mobile number & 6 email address to 'Contact'
Update of HTML file of 'Photos' with
Add 2 animate GIF between 'New South Wales Deaf Darts Association'
Update of HTML file of 'Index' - Add table (3 x 4) with links / Add 2 animate GIF between 'New South Wales Deaf Darts Association'
Add new HTML file for 'Committee' with
Add 2 animate GIF between 'New South Wales Deaf Darts Association'
Sunday 15th December 2019 Update of HTML file of 'Championships' with Add 2 animate GIF between 'Championships'
Update of HTML file of 'Links' with Add 2 animate GIF - YouTube & Facebook / Add new link with WWW address
Monday 16th December 2019
Update of HTML file of 'Photos' - Add 2 photos of Australian Deaf Games - Darts
Update of HTML file of 'About me' - Add 1 photo / Add 1 video / fill details
Wednesday 18th December 2019
Update of HTML file of 'Championships' with 15 links
Add 15 HTML of 'Championships" for Men Team / Women Team / Mens Singles / Womens Single / Mixed Double
Update of HTML file of 'News' with date of 2020
Update of HTML file of 'Events' with date of 2020 & location
Update of HTML file of 'Update' - reduce table size for 'Reason' due print problem
Thursday 19th December 2019
Update of HTML file of 'Index' - Cut & paste of Committee names to 'Committee' file.
Update of HTML file of 'Committee' - create 2 table and add names of Committee (March 2019 to March 2020) & blank name (March 2020 to March 2021)
Thursday 26th December 2019
Add new HTML file for 'Videos / VLOG'
Add Day 1 video to 'Videos / VLOG' link
Update of HTML file of 'Committee' - Fix wrong first name from 'Noel' to 'Nola'
Update of HTML file of 'About me'
Update of HTML file of 'Championships'
Update of HTML file for "Contact" with Add Skype (my 2 users) & Glide
Monday 30th December 2019
Update of HTML file of 'Championships' - Mens Team (Completed)
Update of HTML file of 'Championships' - Ladies Team (Not Yet)
Tuesday 31st December 2019
Add 3 HTML of 'Championships" for Mens Singles - Knock-out / Womens Single - Knock-out / Mixed Double - Knock-out
Update of HTML file of 'Photos' - Add 3 photos of Australian Deaf Games - Darts
Update of HTML file of 'Championships' - Mens Team, Ladies Team & Mixed Double X 4
Wednesday 8th January 2020
Update of HTML file of 'Photos' - Add 6 photos of 1st National Deaf Darts Championship - NSW Darts Teams
Update of HTML file of 'Events'
Update of HTML file of 'News'
Monday 20th January 2020
Update of HTML file of "Index"
Update of HTML file of  "Committee"
Update of HTML file of "Photos"
Update of HTML file of "Events"
Update of HTML file of "Championships"
Update of HTML file of "News"
Update of HTML file of "Funny"
Update of HTML file of "Links"
Update of HTML file of "Videos / VLOG"
Update of HTML file of "Update"
Update of HTML file of "About Me"
Update of HTML file of "Contact me"
Create 2 new folders -  "1stNDDC" & "2ndNDDC"
Thursday 4th January 2024
Update of HTML file of "Index"
Update of HTML file of "Championships"
- Add 9th Australian Deaf Games - 5 HTML files create
- Add 12th Australian Deaf Games - 5 HTML files create
Update of HTML file of "Videos / VLOG"
- Remove 'VLOG'
- Remove 2 videos (VLOG) files
Rename from "Videos / VLOG" to "Videos"
Friday 5th Janaury 2024
Update 5 HTML files from "9th Australian Deaf Games"
Monday 8th January 2024
Update 5 HTML files from "12th Australian Deaf Games"
Update of HTML file of "Index"
Update of HTML file of "Update"